Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dear Associated Press...

FROM: father.mark.collins@... (The Rev. Mark R. Collins)
TO: (Tom Kent, AP standards editor); (David Minthorn, AP stylebook editor)

Dear Mr. Kent and Mr. Minthorn:

I understand that, contrary to your policy with mixed-sex married couples, as a same-sex married couple, the Associated Press (AP) will only refer to my lawfully wedded husband, Denton Stargel, as my "husband" if you are aware that we have regularly used those terms.

As this determination is being made on a case-by-case basis, I wanted to let you know, for your records, that we use these terms on a regular basis and will continue to do so. Therefore, in any instance when our relationship may be referred to in your press coverage, you are to use the term 'husband' for either or both of us.

Thank you for your attention,

The Rev. Mark R. Collins

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